Thursday, September 27, 2007

I am a meticulous neat freak. When I draft on my sheets, I cannot stand even one line out of the place; my sheet MUST be clean. Else it drives me crazy. I use 3H pencils for construction lines, and then a 2B for darkening. I don’t think I have ever used a lead softer than that- it just makes both the hand and the sheet greasy. The contours must be accurate; the lines must be parallel, and the desk must be wiped. Doesn’t help too much, this.

“Riding everyday on traffic filled roads can make your life miserable.” Not really. When I am on the road inside my helmet, I form a very comfortable and sealed environment; I feel like I am surrounded not by honking cars, but by my thoughts. I sing loudly inside- makes for a truly entertaining ride- for both stunned onlookers and I. Hehe...It’s even better when it’s raining. I don’t see the point in waiting for the rain to stop- I carry on- the jacket and helmet complete the boundaries of my little world. You can pass by people huddled under a small roof overhang- as if they, not me, were the spectacle! All this, only as long as I am NOT carrying a zillion sheets, my bag, a model or/and drawing instruments. The fun lies in another sphere then. :)

I can’t cook. It drives my mom crazy.

I gave one stack of clothes for stitching recently, but I seemed to have managed to accumulate ANOTHER stack- currently in ‘design stage’. Gee..I am very religiously ‘studying’ the two books on fashion that I bought; they’re so expensive that I MUST. Hehe..

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