“ Optimist, creative, self-made, ambitious, respectful, caring, cheerful & most important her rustic kannada (trust me even my maid servant can speak better! These are some of the traits that were, and will be, eternally associated with Amrita. The kind of importance she attaches to simple things in life (like our every-sunday-lalbagh-jogging or khara-baath or 'Corner House uncle') just goes to say how much she likes to celebrate every single moment of her life. A born 'talk'aholic and definitely a people's woman, it would never be hard for a stranger to instantly pick up an exciting chat with her. She detests judging people and this lets one be his/her self while talking to her. Wishing her all luck & happiness in life ...cheers! ”
I was amused by an advertisement on a big hoarding today- someone trying to sell a platinum ring, showcasing it as ‘very rare, very you’, and trying to reach out to an entire city! Does nobody else see the irony here? ‘rare’. And they want the entire country to buy it. Huh.
Red ‘goes’ with everything. I like the effect it creates- it is both bold and dangerous at the same time; creates interest and caution simultaneously- stands out immediately. I would never wear a green shirt thinking it was ‘bright’, but red- anytime. :)
Do mosquitoes breathe?