Thursday, July 26, 2007

My eyes have a serious problem with bright monitors. I narrow my eyes as if I were talking to the sun or something. Sometimes I feel like buying sunglasses so that I could wear them every time I use the computer. Can you imagine that? Hehe..

I remember thinking about 4 years back (when I was finalizing architecture)- that I wanted to take up something that won’t require me to dumbly- (I think the word does not exist)-sit in front of the comp for thirteen hours a day. Come to think of it, I do spend a lot of time working on the comp these days- most of the work produced impossible without the machine. ‘I might as well have become a software engineer’, I sometimes think. Not because its easier to do, but because I actually loved programming in college- it would have simplified my life. What I am happy about, though, is the fact that I still have the capability to think outside of the computer, merely use it as a tool- programming only being a method used to instruct the computer to perform a task that you want to get done- a task, mind- for a higher purpose. Its the task, not the handing over of the task- the goal is not efficient instruction, but the design value of the project- something that a machine cannot produce. The computer can help me draw the design differently, but it cannot help me design differently.

I am sipping mango milkshake as I write. I LOVE mangoes and anything to do with them- the 'luvvvv' is purely unconditional. :)

I simply DO NOT understand why people do not comment in my blog. I talk about things that are very easily perceivable by all; and my opinions-(whenever I do have them, that is)-are extremist. Yet, no one stands up against them. Like when I say, “I think we as a human race are stupid.”- does no one have anything to say about it? Or do you just agree with me?! I don’t think so.