Thursday, July 9, 2009

The good thing about life after college is that there is no fixed path, there is no “correct”, no “wrong”...It is just a marvelous coming together of unimaginable factors to shape an existence- an existence so unique to the individual that eventually there is no such thing as “better”...Each is a path- unique, significant and inspiring- and I am beginning to celebrate the difference. It is exhilarating to see the variations and range- welcome to the real world, you’re going to love it!

Rani Mukherjee makes for the most beautiful bride. Maybe it is Sabyasachi who makes her so. It’s the backstage- ignored, forgotten and under estimated. Tch.

It’s the worst time to get a cold- the Mumbai monsoon. The nose keeps leaking like the clouds; makes similar sounds too! It is a positive development in one sense- you cannot smell the filth. It only looks dirty! But the thing is, there is so much layering in Mumbai that it can be helplessly distracting. Even if you left for office after a fight with your roommate, you will be smiling at the school kid in the jammed train...there are so many dimensions, so many visuals- that there is no concept of “bored”- that’s only for the rich and snobby- those that remain snobby all their lives, whilst they travel in the air conditioned air with reflector glass beside them. Honestly, doesn’t everyone always talk about the smile on the faces of the poor? The joy in the eyes of those that have nothing to lose, and nothing to hide. Travelling by train is poor, but definitely the most satisfying. Everyone looks at it like a pain, a sacrifice- to live the life without luxury and comfort. But to live like me is to live with contentment. With peace in the mind and a song on the lips. Even in the rain! It is a very, very precious joy- and there are those who can never experience it- they never allow themselves to- my brother. Rithvik. Geetha G. B...Walk in the puddle, honey- it will make you grin- if only you allow it! I love my life, I love the rain, and I love Mumbai!