Friday, April 13, 2007

Taking photographs has become such an easy and inexpensive task. Digital cameras help a lot. Videos are even better. But we tend to get to the other extreme too. On architectural study tours, I tend to avoid carrying my camera- because the innocence with which space is experienced- is lost. When we design spaces, we always think of human psychology in the space- how she will react to this light, how she will experience this volume. But when these emotions are felt from behind the camera lens, they are not the same.

Why can’t mosquitoes just live and let live?

I was told recently that I come across as an arrogant person. I don’t understand- I do not have ego and over-confidence...for me, the most believable sentence would be the one which talks about my flaws...I’m crazy. The thing is, I think I am –innocently- too straight-forward and curious. I ask directly- and answer directly. This may be mistaken as attitude. For example, in std. Ten in a bio class, my teacher made me stand up and asked me out of complete and honest concern- “Why are your eyes watering? Are you crying?” For me, it was not a matter of choice- I had to tell the truth- “I just yawned, ma’am.” See now, I might have looked like a buffoon with horns, but for me, it was more of a fundamental law- not to lie- to anyone, about anything. I still don’t lie.

I hate getting ‘common’ cold. Without exception, I am infected once a year- and I just about barely exist for those 5 days. The beginnings are the worst- since I don’t carry a handkerchief with me everyday. That unfortunate first day of cold is rather embarrassing. Once I had cold when my college exams were going on- quite interesting entertainment it must have been to all.. Hehe...