Thursday, July 26, 2007

My eyes have a serious problem with bright monitors. I narrow my eyes as if I were talking to the sun or something. Sometimes I feel like buying sunglasses so that I could wear them every time I use the computer. Can you imagine that? Hehe..

I remember thinking about 4 years back (when I was finalizing architecture)- that I wanted to take up something that won’t require me to dumbly- (I think the word does not exist)-sit in front of the comp for thirteen hours a day. Come to think of it, I do spend a lot of time working on the comp these days- most of the work produced impossible without the machine. ‘I might as well have become a software engineer’, I sometimes think. Not because its easier to do, but because I actually loved programming in college- it would have simplified my life. What I am happy about, though, is the fact that I still have the capability to think outside of the computer, merely use it as a tool- programming only being a method used to instruct the computer to perform a task that you want to get done- a task, mind- for a higher purpose. Its the task, not the handing over of the task- the goal is not efficient instruction, but the design value of the project- something that a machine cannot produce. The computer can help me draw the design differently, but it cannot help me design differently.

I am sipping mango milkshake as I write. I LOVE mangoes and anything to do with them- the 'luvvvv' is purely unconditional. :)

I simply DO NOT understand why people do not comment in my blog. I talk about things that are very easily perceivable by all; and my opinions-(whenever I do have them, that is)-are extremist. Yet, no one stands up against them. Like when I say, “I think we as a human race are stupid.”- does no one have anything to say about it? Or do you just agree with me?! I don’t think so.


Ar. Abhishek Jain said...

i do appreciate all tht u write nd the fact tht u write abt literally every thng. no matter how big or small, how significant or insignificant, how important or not so important it is... its sometimes good to relate to thngs tht u write cos one mite have thot the same but mite have simply not pen'd it down like the way u do.

Amrita Kulkarni said...


Anonymous said...

your blog is too much about personal perception with hardly any thoughts about social issues concerning others. Even Jiddu Krishnamurthy's such writings cannot keep anybody interested for long. Only peopole who know you personally and closely will be able to offer comments.

Amrita Kulkarni said...

but then that's what a blog is, right? personal opinion? why are there more blogs than newspapers then?