Friday, May 15, 2009

Everything is “कच्चा” and “cheap” these days. Lol!

The idea of progress in my head is continuously changing; with time and exposure, I see different analogies and different imageries. I have started believing in the act of “doing” – someone, somewhere DID something, which is why we are ‘progressing’. Progress is not an inevitability; it is not a necessity, but action on an idea. Someone spoke up; someone stirred. People around were uncomfortable and dislodged- they protested. But even then, ideas survived. “Necessity is the mother of all invention”, they say- was linux necessary in the 15th century? No. Progress is a trap- it makes you need more and more- it is addictive. “Improvisation” is the word; and to me, it is a branch of ‘change’. We are in continuous motion; and we will always be. And on the way, we need those who think, act and “do” - even though they’re weirdos.

It is time to buy the Vims, the scotch brites, the surf excels, the harpics, the eggs, the onions and the tomatoes. Maybe a broom, too. :)

“Of all the experiences in the world, travel is undoubtedly one of the most life-altering. It enriches, fulfills, indulges, opens your heart to other worlds and experiences and fosters co-existence in an increasingly intolerant world. But perhaps the most profound and tangible impact it has is on our inner selves." The world is conspiring to answer my questions; but no, this is not good enough.


Poorna said...

U keep raising the bar everytime with your posts :)
By the way, I still think the ideas which people got over centuries leading to inventions were also necessity at that point of time, call it addiction if you may, but the progress was NECESSARY!

Vishram said...

Change from an individual's persepctive is inevitable as she is only a part of millions of decision makers in the society, which shape her experiences. Change in the society is an agrregate manifestation of such changes individuals make. Progess is however value based and it is a change in the desired direction. The common desire reflects the necessity. Improvisation is a process of change some adopt because change is a constant. However, there were people like Buddha who changed once for all with enlightenment, for the ultimate goal.

Anonymous said...

Very few people like you travel with an open mind for the new world. Keep it up !

Unknown said...

words like "progress" and "necessity" are all subjective sematics. All that really matters is doing. Life becomes very simple when we understand that. And very difficult. And very enjoyable. And to the benefit of all.