Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hanging out with Ankit is like spending time with a solid think tank; he is in a continuous state of ‘doing’- his head is always wanting to move, change, initiate, act. His ideas are very ambitious, and in most cases, he gets carried away. Give him a small opening, and he’s busy building a grand entrance. It is incredible, how much energy is generated in his body by these thoughts- sometimes even I cannot keep up with him. His coming to Mumbai and living a jump away from my place is definitely going to make the ‘mumbai experience’ even more spectacular.

Yesterday I read an article about a devoted spiritual singer who also teaches science at school. It was very interesting how he looked at both in union- “Kabir said we must learn from our first hand experiences, and not go by faith. That is what science also says. Faith can be scientific.” I didn't competely understand what this could mean, but was left wondering if this is infact the unified theory of physics.

Being able to trust someone comes from a long and invisible process of spending time together- and in most cases, you realise you cannot trust that person. When I say 'trust', I mean trust with respect to promptness, with communication and clarity. Trust with being on time and meaning what you say. Trust without excuses, without “I forgot” or “I didn't have time”. To say “I trust him” means a lot. This does not necessarily make a person 'good' or 'bad', though- it is just a state of being that I really appreciate. And it is very difficult to find. Everytime I meet my brother I feel like I am far from being there myself, and everytime I meet anyone from work, I feel they are far behind. It's the damn ladder again.


Vishram said...

Faith starts where knowledge ends

Unknown said...

profound thoughts