Thursday, October 25, 2007

I think that of all the time we have spent in college, this semester has been the best. Of course there are the weekly doses of ‘pep talk’, but then we know its all in our best interest; only we are a bit mad...This, does not, however deter the feeling of coming to college only twice a week- and it feels so good that we come to college for some serious, directional work. We are not made to come to college and attend lectures that don’t matter much, or those we can’t resist sleep in- we actually come to college with a certain agenda- a discussion- and we all know we need it. It’s nice NOT to be worrying about the ACM drafting class after the design studio; not worried about the structures test tomorrow- not crib about our date with the dingy lecture hall in the basement. Good times, these.

It is getting colder. I am so ‘happieee’, because now I can wear all my jackets! I love jackets- and own about fifteen of them! I guess it comes from a need to layer- somehow I like the concept a lot. I love layering- and I can see myself try everywhere- clothing, presentation, sketching...I think it creates interest, most primarily, and also helps make things rich with detail- its not easy to break down and understand quickly what is presented; you like the way it looks, and you realize that you have to give this more time and attention before you ‘understand’ it.

The other day my friend was commenting on my ‘loafing-around-the-city’ skills- ‘It’s either next to her house, near banashankari, or it is north Bangalore!’ Hehe..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"dingy lecture hall in the basement.." ????????
WHICH college IS this??? KUMARANSS???