Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tomorrow is Nag-Panchami. I don’t know what the exact significance of this festival is- all I know is that its mehendi time! I remember being in Solapur for this festival about ten years much I cried for a bigger mango on my palm! I think I’ve come far now- I draw mehendi on my mom’s hand now- I am the professional. I use cones now; my mom used sticks(parke-kaddi to be precise) then. We used to sit late into the night desperately trying for the mehendi paste to follow the locus created by the stick. Makes me smile.

I like writing in third person. I talk like that, too. Hehe...I love the confused look on the faces opposite mine- talking about the girl next to me, I say directly to her- ‘This girl is driving me crazy!!’

I hate it when people use generic words when asked for an opinion. “What do you think of this design?”—-->“Hmmm...I like it.” Aaargghh. That is the most irritating reply to a question like that. What do you mean, you like it? WHAT about it did you like? I asked you what you thought of it, not if you liked it. Tch tch...

Why does every paragraph, every thought have to have a conclusion? I see that in all thoughts I have penned down, -although digitally- there is always an ending, a conclusion- each one ends with a general question, an analysis, a smile or ‘Hmmm...’. Why? Are we trained to even think in a particular format? See- even this thought seems to have an ending- a philosophical one- throwing a question at humanity! I am unable to finish this paragraph abruptly. There.

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