Thursday, November 15, 2007

I think the time of the KHANS is over. The time of the Kapoors is here. Shahid, Kunal, Ranbir, Sonam, Kareena.

I like the semi colon; it brings a wonderful sense of continuity to a sentence- I like playing with the semi colons and the hyphens; they make for very effective dramatization tools.

Riding with meeta on the bike to college for volleyball practice 6 30 in the morning makes for the best memories ever. Hehe...It is funny how women never run out of topics to talk about..even on a bike in killer wind.

I really like ‘kaka-angadis’; they are these really tiny miscellaneous shops most visible on the outskirts of the city...Hardly 2m x 3m in plan, they are capable of stuffing a lot more than you think. They ALL look more or less the same; a row of glass jars along the front facade, placed over a counter which is unusually high..a thousand small plastic packets of chips, gems, and the like- hanging from a corner- effectively all these result in you never being able to see the ‘kaka’...There is something nostalgic about them; I feel good every time I visit one. Maybe because they’re gonna be extinct soon.


Anonymous said...

you feel good because they are going to be extinct soon?

Praj said...

I too like semicolon and hypen - they make up for my deficiency of english grammar. :)