Monday, November 17, 2008

Shadows can lie; they can modify reality- they can make you look thinner, taller.. They don’t necessarily let you see what you want to see- almost as though they have a mind of their own...The purity of the shadow with its loyal quality has been corrupted in my mind; it will be long before I trust a shadow again.

A yoga teacher joins the dorm- just when I was thinking it could not get more diverse.

Naveen looks like a “dude” these days- all macho- his visits to the gym cannot be hidden anymore- the mass is bursting out from underneath his shirt. He needs new clothes! Hehe...

I am beginning to notice block colours these days- bursts of a bold colour stripped of all ornamentation- the midnight blue sky, the colour of the red ink on my fingertips, that of the endless brown sand and the heavenly blue of the sea- they are hitting my eyes distinctly. I like the edges- those between block colours- their near-invisible quality leaves me wanting to explore them- the thinness brings to my mind the voice of Shreya Ghoshal- a clear, crisp and continuous thin line. Sheesh- I must, MUST improve with the analogies!